RadioImagerGPU 1.0
No Matches
GPU Implementation

How to Execute

After building the project, one can execute the RadioImager using the following command from the build directory:

./build/RadioImager [OPTIONS]

What the Code Does

The RadioImager program computes UVW coordinates from XYZ coordinates, performs imaging using GPU acceleration, and saves the resulting images and coordinates.


The following options can be provided to the RadioImager program:

  • --input: Path to the input CSV file with XYZ coordinates. Default: data/xyz_coordinates.csv
  • --directions: Path to the directions CSV file with Hour Angles (HAs) and Declinations (Decs). Default: data/directions.csv
  • --use_predefined_params: Use predefined UVW parameters. Default: true
  • --output_uvw: Output UVW coordinates. Default: true
  • --uvw_dir: Directory to save UVW coordinates. Default: data/uvw_coordinates
  • --image_dir: Directory to save images. Default: data/images_gpu
  • --save_images: Save images. Default: true

Example Command

./build/RadioImager --input data/xyz_coordinates.csv --directions data/directions.csv --use_predefined_params false --output_uvw true --uvw_dir output/uvw --image_dir output/images --save_images true

This command will use custom input files, disable predefined UVW parameters, output UVW coordinates to the specified directory, and save images to the specified directory.